The musical works of Caroline Boissier-Butini
Boissier-Butini’s musical works have been deposited in the Bibliothèque de Genève, Fonds Boissier, Ms mus 97 to 108. They include:
Recent critical editions of the following works are available:
Image : Reproduction of the list of manuscripts BGE Ms mus 97
The following works are available on CD:
- CD: Concerts for piano and orchestra n°5 "Irlandais", Concerts for piano, flute and strings n°6 "Suisse", Divertimento in trio for clarinet, bassoon and piano - VDE Gallo 1627
- Portrait CD: Concerto no. 6, Suisse, Pièce pour l’orgue, Divertissement for clarinet, bassoon and piano, Piano sonata no° 1 - VDE-Gallo 1277
- Piano works: Sonatas nos 1 and 2, Caprice sur l’air d’une ballade écossaise, Sonatine no°1, Variations sur deux airs languedociens, Caprice et variations sur un air bohémien - VDE-Gallo 1418
- Variations for piano on the air “Dormez mes chers enfans” - VDE-Gallo 1406
Association Caroline Boissier-Butini
Case postale
1200 Genève
Case postale
1200 Genève